G 60 Quad, G30 Swiss, G45 U1000 Kids' Swiss
QUADS: Reg. $17.50 online, $20 at event. $$ 40.
Swiss: 1st-$100 & 2nd-$75 both guaranteed, other $$/30: class A $60; class B $60; class C $60; class D,E,F $60. Must be more than 1 per. section for $$. Reg. $25 online, $30 at event.
Kids' Unrated Swiss 1st-5th Place win trophies! Trophy to top K-3 player also! Must be in 8th grade or below. (If rated, your rating must be below 1000). Reg. $17.50 online; $20 at event.
Online registration for all 3 events until 12 midnight Friday before event.
*Onsite Registration begins for all 3 events at 9:30 and ends at 10:00.
PIZZA will be avail. for lunch for $1/slice.
*If you are pre-registered for any event, please check-in PROMPTLY before 10:00 for the quads and before 10:15 for either swiss event.
*Please read if you have pre-registered: If you are unable to attend or you arrive late and thus can not play, I will refund your money via paypal. YOU SHOULD ONLY PRE-REGISTER WHEN YOU ARE SURE YOU CAN ATTEND!
Organized by Greater Cherry Hill ChessSee our website for details at www.greaterchchess.com.
Ticket Info: - Swiss, $25.00
- Quad, $17.50
- Kids' Swiss Event, $17.50
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/298617172/upcoming