20 Quincy St. Harvard Sq.
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

Event Profile:
Gravity Summit events help bridge the gap between the new Social Media Marketing tools and the business community. We seek to help educate and inform marketing professionals, small business owners, advertisers, and c-Level executives, and others, about the exciting new marketing and communications landscape that is evolving daily.

“Twitter and social media’s role in today’s culture and how that impacts your business today” http://www.gravitysummit.com/video
Everyone's buzzing about Twitter and social media but most businesses are still trying to figure out how best to use these new tools.
Join us at the exclusive Harvard Faculty Club to hear how your peers in business are successfully integrating and using Twitter and social media to help create buzz, solve customer problems, and directly impact the bottom line.

Speakers/ Attendees:
MC Hammer - Hip Hop Legend, star of Hammertime, over 1M Twitter followers
Gary Vaynerchuk - The Wine Guy, 7 figure book deal via Twitter, over 700K Twitter followers
Case Studies from: Arnold, Dunkin Donuts, Southwest Air, the American Red Cross, Shift Communications, and more

Exhibitors/ Sponsors:
Sponsorships available. Earlybird Registration NOW, seating limited. See you there for an amazing day!

Official Website: http://www.gravitysummit.com/

Added by Magazine Launch on August 27, 2009