Hwy. 78
Beulah, Colorado 81023

Each year, Colorado loses an estimated 90,000 acres of open space to residential and commercial development. Historic farms and ranches shrink at a faster pace than in any other state in the nation. You are invited to join MPEC and Palmer Land and Trust for a two-session educational series to learn about a grassroots effort aimed at protecting the most important private lands near Beulah and across southeastern Colorado. The Thursday evening session will provide an overview of the mechanisms that are used to permanently conserve properties in the region, highlighting a handful of the major land preservation initiatives taking place today. This event is free although donations are appreciated. for more information call MPEC at 719 485-4444 or Palmer Land Trust, 719 632-3236. Registration is required for all workshops. Register: 719 485-4444 or adminmpec@hikeandlearn.org.

Added by Upcoming Robot on September 7, 2010