3001 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20008

Make a toast to conservation with area Young Professionals at the first annual Grapes With the Apes, a winetasting event. Sample wines and hors d?oeuvres from Virginia and Maryland wineries and area restaurants; and enjoy live music, wine seminars with a local expert, and exclusive access to the Zoo?s Great Ape House. Ticket price includes all wine samplings, food, entertainment, and a commemorative glass. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Asian Elephant Conservation Fund.

You must be at least 21 years old to attend this event.

Price: $35 FONZ YP members, $50 nonmembers

Register online at: http://nationalzoo.si.edu/ActivitiesAndEvents/YoungProfessionals/AfterHours/default.cfm

Added by FONZ on March 16, 2006

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