4900 Lacross Rd
Charleston, South Carolina 29406

This event will bring together intermediate and advanced grant writers from various tri-county non-profit organizations for information and discussion. Lunch will be served.

Topics for the Forum will include:
• Building Relationships with Foundation Funders
• Developing Grant Budgets
• Approaching Corporate Funders
• Foundation Trends
• Outlook for Federal Grants
• Forging Strategic Partnerships/Collaborations

Registration Fee:
$30.00 CAGP Members/$35.00 Non-Members
CAGP Membership available for $36 a year

Register for this event now at: http://grantwritersforum.eventbrite.com/

For more information, email ChasGrantPros@gmail.com or call (843) 452-4492.

Added by northcharlestonarts on November 1, 2011