286 American Legion Highway
Revere, Massachusetts 02151

21 + : Free
Blanchards, Revere
Please join us to taste over 100 unique wines from around the world and speak with the wine representatives about your favorite wines. It's great fun and very educational. Wines that are tasted will be 20% off for the evening.

Official Website: http://www.blanchardsliquor.com/main.asp?request=EVENTS&event=23&

Added by Blanchards Liquors on September 30, 2006


Carver 58

Sounds Great. Brian I look forward to seeing you.

Blanchards Liquors

This years Grand Wine Tasting had over 200 participants. The wines from around the world including Bordeaux region, Spain were exceptional. The Food from J Pace was delicious. Thanks to our new and old frends who attended . We look forward to seeing you again next year.