Our Program
Our community values education and we all want them to succeed. Students often struggle to find an environment where they can study. At home they are distracted by television or Facebook. They need an environment that is conducive to independent study. We are committed to making Crash Zone that kind of environment.
While we recognize that some students will need extra help we are not able to offer formal tutoring. Our team will be available to coach and assist students.
Hours of Operation and Registration
The Crash Zone will be open Tuesday through Thursday from 3:00 to 5:30 PM. Students must pre-register to participate in the program and have a signed permission slip, behavior contract and medical release. Please contact our Youth Director, Matt Hall, for registration information at matt@wvpc.org.
A Ministry of West Valley Presbyterian Church
We love our neighbors and are proud to be a part of this community. For over fifty years our church has sent out our congregation to serve the community. Recently we have embraced a quarterly mission we call "Service Worship" where we cancel church to tackle a dozen service projects throughout Santa Clara County. In a spirit of love and service we are excited to offer this ministry to the students of local middle schools including Hyde and Miller.
Official Website: http://www.wvpc.org/crash
Added by FullCalendar on December 19, 2011