26 West St., 2nd Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02111

Workmen’s Circle Second Annual Radical Purim Party
Celebrating Housing Justice!

In Collaboration with City Life/Vida Urbana

Music by Debo Band and DJ D’hana. Performance by members of the Boston Hoop Troop and the Grasshopper Collective.

Purim is a Jewish holiday that celebrates liberation and invites us to dress up, come out, and spin the world on its head. This year, we will honor work that is being done locally to protect tenants’ rights and fight for affordable housing. The Gragger, the Jewish noisemaker, is traditionally used to drown out the name of our foes -- on March 21, we'll make some serious noise in a rowdy call for justice and joy! Join us.

Music, circus arts, and political theater by local artists! All ages are welcomed. Come in costume!

Order tickets before or pay at the door. Contact: 617-566-6281 or leah@circleboston.org

This program is supported in part by a Young Adult Community Grant from Combined Jewish Philanthropies.

Official Website: http://circleboston.org/community/holiday.php?page=18604

Added by Keshet18 on February 20, 2009

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