GRADUATE SERIES MAKES HISTORYGraduate 3.0, May 5th 2009 hits up 200 of the recent media graduates in the fields of Media, Design, I.T. and Publishing alongside 50 of the upcoming agencies in town with one hope to land yet another paid internship, job offers on the spot and gain at least 1 business contact from inspiring media professionals.
We are proud to start year 3 with some recognition from our media partners. We are also excited to have more academia on board this year than last. Their support makes a lot of difference and indeed the growth behind our forum. Followed by last years turnout, Cg6 Inc. along with one of its supporting sponsors met close to 500 upcoming media and design graduates, faculty/program coordinators from supporting schools in less than 11 days. The Campus Roadtour had one purpose and one purpose only to gage and recruit interest by fellow graduates into the Graduate Series. Because of it, the Graduate Series was a huge success.
SEATING IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 50 agencies and creative groups.
Each graduate is expected to come out with a business card, an internship or
at best outcome a job. It is Cg6 Inc.'s objective on the night of Graduate 3.0 to invite a selective hand of participating studios, agencies and
groups - THAT'S YOU who might find an event like this of great benefit. A list
participants will not only be available on
Cg6 Inc. website (www.cg6.com) but also at the Graduate Series website (www.meetthegraduates.com) + mentioned on or any relevent
materials, annoucementsandreleases.
From the month of March to the weeks before Graduate 3.0, Cg6 Inc. will be visiting up to 28 schools, 800+ students
- more specifically the graduating class of Media, Art & Design,
Advertising, Print & Broadcasting, Computing Science, Graphic Design, Film & Television Production,
Packaging, 3D Animation, Communication and Web Development programs.
We are proud to add from 2007 onwards, top mentioned graduates came from NSCAD, Toronto Image Works, Sheridan/York, Mohawk College, George Brown College, Fleming College, OCAD and Seneca@York. These are graduates who not only been mentioned by agencies like yourself from our events; but students who landed a paid internship; to this day won over on-going contractual work or even been offered a job offer on the spot. And thanks with the support of crossover magazine, each of these top mentioned will be featured in upcoming issues. To which recognized by over 3500 readers and agencies nationwide. Exposure in the making.
Ticket information
Tickets can only be purchased with a credit card or Pay Pal and will not be sold at the door.
Once your ticket is purchased your name will be added to the Graduate Series list. Tickets are electronic and will not be mailed
out, you will receive an email confirmation that you must print and
bring to the event.
If you want to attend Graduate 3.0 as a team, you must purchase "I am an Agency of 3".
Additional tickets can be purchased individually by selecting "I am an Agency".
The payment system allows for you to buy a ticket for someone else,
just make sure you add their information so they are added to the list.
A few days prior to the day of Graduate 3.0 we will be contacting you to
update you with any important information and to make sure you are
You must be either a copywriter, art/creative director or interactive art
director, or designer or part of the HR in Media, Design, I.T. or Publishing to
attend Graduate 3.0.
The room will be divided in corners in which you will be meeting students and their works. You are more than welcome to meet a student randomly through private sessions.
By purchasing a ticket you agree to give Cg6 Inc. the right to
display your agency summary on meetthegraduates.com.
Tickets are not refundable under any condition.
If you are an accredited member of any of the following associations, a 3% discount will be applied to your ticket. Please contact Tm Mahdi at
tm.mahdi@cg6.com for the code. Proof of accredation is required and cannot be negotiated under any conditions. Are you a member of: RGD, GDC, ARIDO, CMA, BNI, Society of Internet Professionals, Design Guild of Toronto or a client of Cg6 Inc.
Questions? Write to
Organized by Cg6 Inc.A Lifestyle Media Relations Agency. Our focus is to the arts and media. Our goal is find the enterprise behind social entrepreneurship, to give back to the creative community to be better creatives. We are the organizing founders of Design Guild of Toronto. From 2001 onwards, Cg6 Inc took on the mission to help creatives to be better creatives by unlocking their markets with solutions. From which we put together opportunistic resources to better help them on their daily lifestyles as designers, freelancers and media professionals. Self funded, Cg6 Inc has opened its doors for sponsorships in 2008 to continue servicing its mission.
Ticket Info: - Graduate 3.0 - I am an Agency, C$92.25
- Graduate 3.0 - I am an Agency of 3, C$123.00
- I'd like to donate, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/270965465/upcoming