Hi everyone I would like to invite you to the 1st Annual Benefit Dinner that I will be sponsoring for GPC Missions. GPC Missions is an organization that helps children in need all over the world and I'm really excited to be involved in such a great organization. For those who know me know I am passionate about helping less fortunate children because a lot of what I went through as a child. GPC Missions is also a faith based organization so that's why I'm really happy to be apart of the organization. I want to get the Hampton Roads community involved and find individuals who are passionate about helping our children but I also want to show how great of an organization GPC Missions is and that's why I'm holding this benefit dinner. For more information about GPC Missions check out the GPC Missions FB page in addition to the website www.gpcmissions.org. Donations are always welcome. I understand everyone will not be able to attend but I really appreciate all the support. Tickets are now on sale and tickets are $50 per person. Tickets can be purchased through me or through eventbrite at www.gpc1stannualdinner.eventbrite.com. I changed the date of my event because I want it to be a successful event since it is my first event so I really appreciate all of the support.
Official Website: http://goo.gl/ONUWj
Added by GetPromotd Services on July 30, 2012