Join us for all you can eat Vegan/Vegetarian Gourmet Dinner and wines and guest speaker.
Careers in Animal Protection
Ever fantasized about a career in the exciting field of animal protection? Well now's your chance to get an insider's view on your "dream job" from professional writer/activist Mat Thomas, who will tell you everything you need to know (or, at least, some things he's learned making a living working for animals).
Speaker bio:
Mat Thomas is a San Francisco-based writer/editor for Farm Sanctuary (, the world's first and largest farm animal shelter, and Associate Editor of their quarterly magazine, Sanctuary. He also pens the News Beet column for VegNews magazine (, and has written feature articles for numerous vegetarian lifestyle and animal rights publications. Mat also spent four years as a writer/editor for In Defense of Animals ( You can read much of Mat's writing on his website and blog at
Animal Rights and Veganism
Animal rights is a philosophy and movement founded on compassion for animals and the right of all beings to live free from exploitation. Animals, like humans, are living beings who experience pain and pleasure. Whatever happens to an animal-whether she is confined or free, neglected or nurtured-means a world of difference to her, even if it matters to no one else. Recognizing this, animal rights proponents maintain that animals exist not for our use but for themselves, and that we do not have the right to intentionally hurt and kill animals simply because we are able.
Veganism is the enactment of animal rights in everyday life: it is a lifestyle that embodies compassion for all living beings and a practical way to reduce suffering, protect the environment and improve your own health.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on October 13, 2008