South Lambeth Road
London, England SW8 1UQ

Gouranga are 3 years into the game of throwing delicious parties in both Leeds and London. Tonight they have stepped it up by combining chief wrong 'un Mr NastyDirty Tim Sheridan and London's latest and most exciting venue - the Lightbox in Vauxhall.

The Lightbox walls are coated in tens of thousands of L.E.Ds. The effect is as if you are dancing inside a glittering diamond, or surrounded by stars.

Expect swerving minimal, star-spangled debauchery, techno, breaks, electro house and Veryverywrongindeed's renegade acid house spirit in spades.

To get on the guestlist and save £2 on the door: Text 'spoon gouranga' to 89080 (standard cost of text). You'll also receive directions to the venue straight to your phone!

Official Website:

Added by Spoonfed on December 5, 2008

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