Washington, D.C., District of Columbia

We invite you to Think About Your Drink

Please join us at the National Mall, January 8 at 10:30-11:30 a.m.

The Think About Your Drink program will educate Americans about the importance of beverage choice as it relates to weight management and nutrient intake. The milk industry is working with leading health organizations to raise awareness of this “forgotten” factor in weight management and, in January 2007, will be releasing the “What America Drinks" report. This comprehensive analysis of national dietary intake data documents America’s beverage consumption patterns and shows that what we drink can impact our weight and the overall quality of our diet.

At the event we’ll be releasing the What America Drinks Report, documenting America’s beverage consumption patterns and showing that what we drink can impact our weight and the overall quality of our diet. In addition to the national release of the Report, we’ll be unveiling the ad and PSA from our latest milk mustache celebrity Law & Order SVU star Mariska Hargitay.

Official Website: http://www.thinkaboutyourdrink.com

Added by wmahoonie on December 28, 2006

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