Reward and recognize local moms for being the gatekeepers of their family’s health and nutrition. In our search for Seattle’s Chief Health Officer, we will be hosting free, interactive community events for the whole family.
•Enter the Chief Health Officer Contest and Sweepstakes on-site
•Pose for a Milk Mustache photo souvenir
•Sample lowfat and fat free milk from local dairies
•Winning various got milk? prizes through the Milk Spin-to-Win wheel
•Getting exercise tips from Curves fitness experts
•Speak with local registered dietitian about the importance of milk’s role in the diet
Other got milk? stops:
5/26- Northwest Folklife Festival 11:00am-6:00pm
5/28- Fred Meyer (Bickford Ave North Snohomish) 5:00pm-7:00pm
More info:
Official Website:
Added by russonm on May 13, 2008