Over the hills and through the woods – back to nature we go! Talk about camping, hiking, kayaking, surfing, rock climbing, mountain scaling. Or regale us with stories of thunderstorms, earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards. Whether your tale of the great outdoors is a nostalgic spin about reconvening with Mother Earth or a harried saga of battling the elements, we have no doubt it’s entertaining – and good enough to share.
The Moth believes everyone has a story and the Moth StorySLAM aims to be the vehicle upon which those stories ride. Simply show up, drop your name in a hat, and prepare to spill it. If nothing else, we’re sure you have a tale to tell.
The Moth StorySLAM
Monday, January 28th
7pm sign up; 7:30 show
Location: The Bitter End 147 Bleecker Street (btw. Thompson & LaGuardia - 6 to Bleecker)
Theme: Nature
$6 at door
Official Website: http://www.themoth.org
Added by nikjc on January 5, 2008