1108 E. Marina Way
Hood River, Oregon

You are invited to join us at the 3rd Gorge Angel Conference 2010. This is an event that will match up the Columbia Gorge’s brightest emerging companies with qualified investors.

Come enjoy lunch, a keynote presentation and network with entrepreneurs and members of the local business community. Watch companies compete for an investment prize of at least $100,000 and enjoy the one-minute pitch competition where companies compete for additional exposure. To date a total of $205,000 has been invested in Pistil Designs and eProduce Sales, both in Hood River. Get a glimpse of the trends of emerging business at this fun event that celebrates the entrepreneurial nature of the Gorge. We hope to see you at the event on April 27, 2010.

Event Details
Date and Time: April 27th, 2010, 11:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Location: Best Western Hood River Inn, 1108 E. Marina Way Hood River, OR
Prices: Participant Registrations @ $75 per person ($100 after April 22nd, 2010)

Business Presenters must register by contacting Nick Kraemer at Hood River County (nick.kraemer@co.hood-river.or.us).

Added by Oregon Entrepreneurs Network on March 31, 2010