The Goomba Comedy Company is having a comedy show at Dave and Buster's in Providence Place Mall in downtown Providence on Saturday night, April 4th @8pm.
Our headliner is the incredibly funny Paul D'Angelo. Paul is a true Boston comedy legend and is one of the funniest comics working in the country today !
Also appearing will be Nick Albanese, Mike Hanley and David DiLorenzo - Don't miss the hilarious show !
Single tickets for this show are only $20.00 each.
Group tickets are available, as well. You can purchase 4 tickets for $60.00 and buy a table of 10 tickets for ONLY $160.00. Included with each ticket
is a free buffet and a $5.00 dollar Dave & Buster's Power Card !
Visit our wesbite for more info.
Thank you - Goomba Comedy Fun Patrol
Official Website:
Added by dfd1512000 on January 2, 2009