9:00: Sandra L. Arlinghaus, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Mathematical Geography and
Population-Environment Dynamics, SNRE. Also: President, Arlinghaus Enterprises; Executive
Committee Member, Community Systems Foundation.
9:00: Matthew Naud, M.S. Environmental Coordinator and Assistant Emergency Manager,
Systems Planning Unit, City of Ann Arbor.
9:15: Matthew Naud et al., Update on Municipal Applications of Google Earth.
9:45: Roger Rayle, Scio Residents for Safe Water, Research Associate Community Systems
Foundation, Update on Pall-Gelman Mapping.
10:15: Questions and Break
10:30: Sandra L. Arlinghaus (aka “Archimedes”) and William E. Arlinghaus (General
Manager, Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Grand Rapids), The Perimeter Project: Cemetery
Zoning Used in Fragile Lands Protection, Part III.
11:30: Questions, Discussion, Interchange of Ideas. Participants invited to talk about their
own applications. Conversation may continue outside the room where presentations are given.
R.S.V.P. to sarhaus@umich.edu
Added by annarborchronicle on February 28, 2010