33 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10010, New York 10036

Google Analytics

At our Seminar for Success we'll dig in and explore ways to use your Google Analytics to gather more meaningful data, analyze it better, and make your website perform.

Marketing Focus
Mon., March 11: GA 101 - Intro to Google Analytics -
For the analyst who is new to GA
Tues., March 12: GA 201 - Advanced Google Analytics -
For the analyst who already knows GA, and wants to take actionable insights to the next level

Technical Focus
Wed., March 13: GA 301 - Google Analytics Implementation -
For the webmaster or IT guru

*NEW* Thurs., March 14: GA 401 - Google Analytics APIs - For the IT developer or IT professional who needs to work with the Google Analytics APIs

Official Website: http://www.lunametrics.com/google-analytics-training/seminars/nyc/?utm_source=zevent&utm_medium=listing&utm_campaign=NYC_Training_March

Added by LunaMetrics on January 25, 2013