1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, California 94043

Gears is an open source plug-in that teaches current web browsers new tricks. Gears is a clever way to raise the bar cross-browser and cross-platform, today, running inside of Firefox and Internet Explorer on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. No more waiting years for features to show up across all browsers and platforms. APIs include: A real embedded relational database (SQLite) for web sites; client-side full text search; threads for JavaScript; offline web applications; secure and fast cross-domain mashups; desktop shortcuts; mobile devices; and more. Come and learn how to use Gears from Brad Neuberg (Dojo Offline, Dojo Storage, Really Simply History, Hyperscope, coworking), Developer Advocate at Google and member of the Gears team.

6:00-6:15pm Arrive & mingle
-- Food & drinks provided by Google
6:15-6:45pm Google Technology demos
6:50-7:00pm General Announcements
7:00-8:30pm Brad Neuberg's Presentation

We will be meeting in the Tunis conference room in Bldg. 43 on the main Google campus in Mountain View. You will need to register as a visitor in the lobby of Bldg. 43 when you arrive.

Advance RSVP Recommended
Although this is a free event, we are requesting that people register via EventBrite in advance to help us determine how much food and drink to provide.

Lightning Demos
During the networking hour, we invite our members that develop applications using Google Technology to do brief demos of 5 minutes or less. Please contact van-dot-gtug-at-gmail-dot-com to indicate your interest to demo your stuff. Time permitting, we will include as many demos as possible before the main event. Demos of web applications that use Google Gears will be given precedence for this particular meeting.

Official Website: http://sv-gtug.org/event/2008-06-04.html

Added by van_riper on May 24, 2008