15th Nov 2008 - Google App Engine Hackathon: Atlanta
Please join us on 15th Nov 2008 for a Google App Engine Hack-a-thon in Atlanta.
- Learn about Google App Engine
The events will include training on the major features of Google App Engine, including data modeling, the App Engine APIs, some aspects of Django, and how to mashup App Engine with other web services. Google Engineers and Product Managers will be on hand to help and to answer questions throughout the day.
- Build With Us, or Build Your Own
Throughout the day, we will be building a complete App Engine application, and sharing the code with you so you can code along with us. If, on the other hand, you already have a great idea for what to build, bring that idea with you to the hackathon. Even better, bring along anything you can prepare ahead of time (sketches, designs, web page mock ups, etc.) and use the time and information provided to develop your idea into a working application, then share it with the world.
At the end of the day, we'll invite you to share your App Engine applications with the group.
- What Do I Need?
We will provide facilities, power, food, refreshments and experts to help you learn to use Google App Engine and write your application. Just bring your laptops, ideas and enthusiasm to complete the mix.
- When and Where?
The Atlanta hack-a-thon will take place Saturday 15th Nov 2008 from 10AM-6PM. It will be held at Google Atlanta in Millennium in Midtown, 10 10th Street NE, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30309
Space is limited so Sign Up now. http://sites.google.com/site/gaehackathonatlanta/registration
Official Website: http://sites.google.com/site/gaehackathonatlanta
Added by hgujral on October 24, 2008