501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

Learn the tools and techniques used to grow your business, improve your bottom line and beat the pants off your competitors! Google AdWords is the most effective tool to get your business found on the Internet. Google says it takes 5 minutes to create a campaign. While this it true, it takes days, or even weeks to navigate your way through the system to gain a full understanding of the program and its intricacies. Setting up a campaign in 5 minutes will end up costing you a lot more than time in the long run!

Who this event is for:
Business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals responsible for managing Google AdWords campaigns who are concerned with the high click costs of their current campaigns, frustrated by low click through rates or too overwhelmed to even begin a campaign.

What can you expect to learn?
How to plan and set expectations for your AdWords campaigns
How to structure your campaign for easy management and better results
How to research and discover effective keywords
How to write ads that get clicks
How to spy on your competition
How to write engaging copy for your landing pages
How to utilize auto responders to build relationships with prospects
How to use reports to uncover areas for optimization
How to measure success

You will accomplish: Completing a campaign that is primed for launch. 

No more procrastinating or losing sleep over bad results. Get going, get it straightened out and start earning profits with Google AdWords!

Start now! Click the link below for more information and to register.

Event Phone: 734.620.8242

Event E-mail: meaghan@searchwithsam.com

Event URL: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=ycklvidab&oeidk=a07e3isnr2d6d3ed386

Official Website: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=ycklvidab&oeidk=a07e3isnr2d6d3ed386

Added by Meaghan McCann on April 1, 2011