2504 San Pablo Avenue
San Francisco Bay Area, California 94702

Flirting to Get Laid
Location: Berkeley
Monday, July 24, 8-10 pm
$25, all welcome

Tired of all tease and no play? Well, get that hottie into bed! In this workshop, “flirt slut” LaSara Firefox will help you find ways to make flirting work for you. You'll learn about building rapport, appropriate use of touch and boundary play as an attraction-meter, the art of boundary testing, the guile-less pick up line, making flirting hot, how to use your friends as props, and how to lay the groundwork for a graceful after-sex exit. (Hint: effective groundwork is laid before you are!) Bring an adventurous spirit, a trusted buddy to brush-up on the team work with, and a desire to get what you want (no buddy? We'll help pair you up).

To reserve your space in a workshop taking place after July 1, please call the Berkeley Good VIbrations at (510) 841-8987 or the Polk Street Good Vibrations at (415) 345-0400. You will need to give the staff your name, phone number, and a credit card number. However, please note that your card will only be charged if you do not come to the class and you do not call to cancel your reservation by 3:00 pm on the day of the workshop. When you arrive at the class, you can pay the registration fee by cash, check, or credit card.

Special services: Sign language (ASL) interpretation available on request. Please contact us at (415) 255-1155 (voice only) or workshops@sexandculture.org at least one week before the workshop to make arrangements.

Note: All Good Vibrations events are clothed affairs.

Official Website: http://www.goodvibes.com

Added by gv on June 26, 2006

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