2009 will have multiple "tracks" to accommodate a
variety of 4x4 off road skills and outdoor interests. While these
"tracks" are focused at a specific set of skills, equipment and
interests, attendees are welcome to pick from any event for any
For all goneMOAB trail runs the trail leader has the option of
not allowing individuals on the run if he/she feels that that
individual does not have the experience or the equipment
necessary for the the run. Not being allowed on a trail is not a
personal attack, but is a necessary action to keep the trail
ride safe for the other attendees.
All trails have a maximum number of trucks
per day as allowed by the BLM. Signing up for trails is first
come, first serve. If on the morning of the trail run there are
no-shows, then other attendees will be permitted on the run
(first come, first served at the staging area).
For full details on the goneMOAB event be sure to check out www.goneMOAB.com . And a ton of informations on The Forums!!
For 2009 due to rising costs of the many permits & event insurance a nominal fee of $20 per vehicle will be charged.
* Must be 18 at the time of goneMOAB to attend. No exceptions!!
* Tickets: Only One Ticket is needed per vehicle does not matter how many people are in the vehicle.
Organized by goneMOAB - VolunteersDedicated Individuals to the Nissan Offroad Community.
Ticket Info: goneMOAB 09 - Per Vehicle*, $20.00
Official Website: http://gonemoab09-upcoming.eventbrite.com