Crash Course
Hoboken Golf is now offering an intensive one day golf clinic designed for beginners. This clinic covers what our highly successful four week beginner's clinic covers in just one day. All equipment is included as well as a continental breakfast. Only six students will be accepted. This clinic is being offered once in June on Saturday, June 18th. The cost is only $179. We will start at 11 AM and finish at approximately 4 PM (A lunch break will be given). As space for these clinics is quite limited – it is suggested that you call 201-876-9666 to register. You may also take a look at our website at (you will find a sign up for under the instruction tab).
You may call to register for any of these clinics- this is the best way for clinics that are nearly full because in the time it takes you to come to our store or even put an order in through our online store the clinic may sell out. You may also sign up by stopping in person at 125 Grand Street. Payment must be received in advance to take any clinic or private lessons as appointments are limited.
Added by hobokengolf1 on May 27, 2011