More than 600 young vocal artists will convene in the East Bay for the ninth triennial Golden Gate International Children's and Youth Choral Festival July 8-14 presented by Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir, Artistic Director Robert Geary has announced. The young singers--who comprise 20 choirs from 12 countries on four continents-will come together to perform individually, compete and sing in a 640-voice combined mega-chorus in the course of a week of public concerts and workshops in venues throughout the Bay Area. The week opens July 9 with a concert featuring all 20 choruses performing individually to give audiences a taste of their virtuosity and versatility. The balance of that week features daily free public concerts and competitions culminating in a Grand Finale Concert featuring the winners of the competitions and all 20 choruses combined to perform collaborative repertoire learned during the Festival week.
July 9 features performances by:
Amoy Flower Phoenix Youth Group - China
Bach Children's Chorus - Ontario, Canada
Barrington Children's Choir - Illinois, USA
Beijing Rainbow Art Performance Troupe - China
Budi Mulia Dua Choir - Indonesia
Choir of E. Mikelladze Central Music School - Georgia
Columbia Children's Choir - Washington, USA
Columbia Vocal Ensemble - Washington, USA
Discovery Choir - Honduras
Fairfield County Children's Choir - Connecticut, USA
Hamburg Kinderchoir Cantemus - Germany
Junior Amabile Singers - Ontario, Canada
Kinder-&-Jugendsingakademie Graz - Austria
Kalrup Pigekor - Denmark
Mandaluyong Children's Choir, Phillippes
Marin Girls Chorus - California, USA
Partners in Praise Girls Choir - Minnesota, USA
Young Adelaide Voices - Australia
Youth Choir "Kivi" - Lithuania
Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 27, 2012