419 Washington St.
Northfield, Minnesota

Americans responded to the recent tsunami disaster with unprecedented levels of generosity. It was easy to see why those folks needed help, and it was the right thing to do what we could to help out.
Not so easy to see is the relief that?s needed here at home. According to the Minnesota Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, there were 1.5 million visits to food shelves in Minnesota in 2003 ? almost half of those visitors were children. Who are all these people? In a ?land of plenty?, why are so many hungry?
Most of us understand that hunger, poor quality nutrition, and food insecurity make people sick and contribute to failure to thrive, obesity caused by poor eating habits, diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. But harsh living conditions also contribute to crime, drug abuse, alcoholism, and mental health issues.
The question is: what can we do about it?
It is simply not acceptable for people to go hungry?in Minnesota, Bangladesh, Somalia, or anywhere else for that matter.
There are things we can do?right here in Northfield?to be part of the solution. Join us as we come to a better understanding of the situation, and consider ways of addressing the problem.
Tuesday, March 8th, 7pm, at All Saints Episcopal Church, 419 Washington Street.
Guest speaker and discussion leader will be Jim Blaha of the Northfield Community Action Center. The public is cordially invited. Admission is free.
This event is sponsored by the Northfield Food Forum and Just Food Co-op.

Added by alexbeeby on March 1, 2005