Women's Spirituality Circle presents:
Goddess Is Alive Lecture Series- Lilith's Fire: The First Woman as a Symbol of Empowerment
Fri, Apr 15, 7:00pm-9:30pm, San Mateo
MORE INFO: http://www.serpentina.com/goddessalive
Meet the Sacred Feminine in all her aspects as presented by leading women scholars, authors, artists, and ritualists.
Fri. 4/15, Deborah J. Grenn, Ph.D. - Lilith's Fire: The First Woman as a Symbol of Empowerment. Who was Lilith? How can she serve as a role model to help us reclaim our voices and the suppressed parts of our Selves? How can we co-create a culture which honors the Sacred Feminine and our erotic lifeforce? When viewed as natural these energies can fuel our inner strength and enrich our intellectual and spiritual lives. Grenn is the founder and director of The Lilith Institute and author of Lilith’s Fire: Reclaiming Our Sacred Lifeforce. She is lead faculty in the Women's Spirituality MA Program at New College, and teaches at Napa Valley College and at the California Institute of Integral Studies. Grenn also serves on the Domestic Violence task force of the Napa Interfaith Council. (www.lilithinstitute.com)
Other speakers include:
Fri. 3/11, Vicki Noble - New Moon Introduction to the Goddess: Revisioning History to Include Women
Fri. 3/18, Joan Marler - An Archaeomythological Investigation of the Gorgon.
Fri. 4/1, Chief Luisah Teish - The Laughing Goddess: Stories and Rituals of the Healing Goddesses and the Power of Laughter as a Healing Modality.
Fri. 4/8, Dianne Jenett, Ph.D. - Cooking Up Equality: Pongala at Attukal Temple, Kerala, South India
Fri. 4/15, Deborah J. Grenn, Ph.D. - Lilith's Fire: The First Woman as a Symbol of Empowerment.
Fri. 4/22, Max Dashu - Icons of the Matrix: A Global View
Join us as we explore the rich tradition of the Sacred Feminine which is grounded in history, archaeology, anthropology, mythology, psychology, literature and philosophy. The guest speakers have spent decades gathering information and doing research. Many have been profoundly touched by their work.
Co-Sponsors: Serpentina, Women's Spirituality MA Program at New College of CA and Unitarian Universalists of San Mateo
Friday, April 15
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
300 East Santa Inez (at Ellsworth)
San Mateo, CA, 94401
$20 General Public; $15 Students and Seniors.
Website: http://www.serpentina.com/goddessalive
Email: jreich14@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 650-692-6165
About Women's Spirituality Circle:
The circle aspires to: hostess events that honor the Sacred Feminine around the globe; educate others about the rich tradition of the Goddess that is grounded in history, archaeology, anthropology, mythology, literature and the arts; explore the ways the Sacred Feminine is still present and alive in the world today; and explore the relevance of the Sacred Feminine to our daily lives.
Added by nancytubbs on March 4, 2005