glenmore loop
Elkins, West Virginia 26241

The Cure For Cabin Fever !!

On April 25th and 26th, Covenant Christian Band, chapters of Bikers for Christ, and other motorcycle ministries in conjunction with the Randolph County Ministerial Association and participation of New Life Fellowship will be hosting the 1st Annual God Rocks, Out of the Box Biker Weekend and bike blessing.

The Vision of this weekend outreach belongs to the community:

We encourage you to invite family and friends, neighbors and co-workers to this ministry/outreach event, helping us spread the word to our communities.

Saturday morning, the 25th, we’ll have coffee available as motorcyclists will be arriving from 10 o’clock on. Biker Preacher Reverend John MulQueen will lead prayer at 11 a.m. for the Blessing of the Bikes.

12:30 Quiet Love performs ASL under blacklight.. an awesome show !!

At approximately 2pm we’ll have a two to three hour group ride through the scenic springtime hills of West Virginia.

Covenant Band will begin at 7 p.m. Saturday evening. YOUTH INVITED... Key speaker for the night is Bikers for Christ member Ron (Big Daddy) Williams.

We are blessed to also have Rey Perez, recording artist performing.

BIKER CHURCH Sunday morning. Service 10 a.m. at New Life Fellowship is our time to bless the congregation with worship by Covenant Band and sermon by Reverend John MulQueen.

There are plenty of opportunities for service and ministering to others during this weekend event and we invite each of you to step up, get involved, and let your gifts shine.

Matthew 9:37-38
Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."

Thank you,see you there...

Added by Biker Wknd on March 5, 2009


Biker Wknd

wow, we have not even put the word out yet and we already have approximately 100 hundred bikes comin !!


Great site GOD bless you brother in Christ ....


I wish I could be there and hear Rey Perez live, he's simply the best there is! If you have never heard him, you don't know what you are missing! Don't believe me? Click this picture below, to go to his site. Garanteed to "bless your socks off".

My prayers are with you Rey, go win some souls!

Your brother in Christ,
