1800 Lakeside Ave
Richmond, Virginia 23228

Harvest celebration with live music by the Richmond Indigenous Gourd Orchestra, pumpkin decorating, good green fun under the tent and guests from Stuff Richmond and Virginia Native Plant Society. Presenting sponsor: Martin’s.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
1 – 4 p.m.
Regular Garden admission

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden
1800 Lakeside Avenue
Richmond VA 23228


Located in historic Richmond, Va., Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden offers year-round beauty with more than 40 acres of spectacular gardens and the mid-Atlantic's only classically styled Conservatory open to the public. Great shopping and dining plus a new Children's Garden with a Tree House make the Garden a fun place to visit anytime. Come see why Lewis Ginter is the place where plants-and people-grow!

Added by lewisginter3 on June 14, 2010