205 W. Randolph
Chicago, Illinois 60606

Calling all future law and business leaders!

Interested in business school?
Law school?


Come to Kaplan’s Downtown Chicago Center on March 18 at 6:30 pm and meet:

• Ann Perry, Assistant Dean for Admissions of the University of Chicago Law School
• Rose Martinelli, Associate Dean, Student Recruitment & Admissions, of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Learn about:
• What it’s like to be a student at either the Law School or the Booth School.
• The advantages of pursuing a joint JD/MBA degree.
• The joint degree program’s structure and requirements.
• The U. of C. JD/MBA Association, which develops educational, mentoring and networking opportunities for joint degree students and alumni.

This is also a great opportunity to ask questions of experienced LSAT and GMAT instructors.

If you’re thinking about studying law or business or—better yet—both, don’t miss this fantastic FREE learning event!

March 18, 2009, 6:30-8:00 pm
Downtown Chicago Kaplan Center
205 W. Randolph, Second Floor
Chicago, IL 60606
One and half blocks north of the Washington/Wells Loop stop

Space is limited, so please register today by visiting http://www.kaptest.com/enroll/LSAT/60606/events or calling 1-800-KAPTEST!

Added by Kaplan on February 24, 2009