Go Green Expo will host the nation's most invigorating and diverse eco-friendly event of its kind at the Hilton New York from April 17th to 19th. Featuring a wide variety of green products and services, including everything from solar panels and hybrid cars to organic food and wine, Go Green Expo is sure to have something for everyone. In addition to the various green businesses exhibiting at the show, Go Green Expo will have over 10 seminars with leaders in the green industry, local politics, and community organizations discussing subjects including innovations in transportation, emerging energy sources, conservation, eco-entrepreneurialism, & much more. There will also be an eco-film festival at Go Green Expo New York; for information and updates about film dates and times visit GoGreenExpo.com. Don’t miss New York's ultimate eco-extravaganza! Limited booth space is still available, contact Chris Colihan-Grillo at 212-655-4505 ext. 224 or ccolihan@gogreenexpo.com today.
Added by Terr Washington on March 31, 2009