Los Angeles, California

The nation's most invigorating & diverse eco-friendly events, Go Green Expo will be at the Los Angeles Convention Center from April 15-17th, 2011. Sponsored by CBS Television, CBS Radio and the Los Angeles Times.

April 15th is the B to B day for business buyers, CEOs, press, & procurement professionals.

April 16-17th is for all business professionals & all consumers & their families.

Hundreds of exhibits will encompass a wide variety of green products & services ranging from solar panels, hybrid & electric cars, organic personal care products, eco-pet supplies, greener gadgets, eco-fashion, and home and building supplies that will help us live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

Eco-Celebrity speakers, authors & thought leaders such as Ed Begley Jr., Mariel Hemingway, Eric Corey Freed and Rachelle Begley will lead informative discussions! Don't miss Los Angeles' ultimate eco-extravaganza! Limited booth space is still available. Contact Nancy Mathew at 212-655-4505 ext. 225 or Nmathew@gogreenexpo.com today.

Added by j_y_maurer on November 10, 2010