Dr. Halperin is a Chiropractic Physician practicing in Kirkland, Washington. (www.keithhalperin.com). His practice offers both Chiropractic as well as nutritional evaluation and treatment, especially in relation to digestion, inflammation, and adrenal fatigue. His ongoing struggle with his own Celiac disease and digestion issues fuel his passion for helping patients with similar issues. Please help us welcome Dr. Halperin, a new member of Friends, Philosophy & Tea, as he shares information on:
• Why so many of us are affected by gluten.
• The link between gluten and thyroid disease, osteoporosis, eczema, and stress related illnesses
• Gluten in your vitamins—how much gluten is allowed to earn the label “gluten-free”?
• Why am I always sick and tired-how gluten causes inflammation, chronic fatigue and sleep problems
• The importance of pH and mineral absorption—the spark plugs of digestion
• Why do I have chronic iron deficiency and anemia—it may be gluten.
• The importance of B-vitamins and folic acid for health—30% of gluten sensitive patients cannot digest folate and B12—is it genetic?
• Fight candida /yeast –how they join with bacteria to form biofilms and destroy health
• What 6 supplements help solve digestion and gut issues
RSVP- ph: 425-822-2858 or www.keithhalperin.com, halpe269@hotmail.com, Seminar cost: $10—includes charts and notes
Added by Astara at Friends on September 16, 2011