Viva la Musica! Choir and Brass Roots Ensemble, Shulamit Hoffmann, director, present their 11th annual holiday concerts, Glorious Light, a musical celebration of the Season of Light. Choral and brass repertoire from the golden age of 16th century Venetian antiphony to contemporary American jazz will light up your holidays.
Specially featured is John Rutter's highly popular Gloria, infused with rousing brass and percussion fanfares, lyrical melodies, and evocative harmonies that convey the awe and wonder of the text. A Texan response to Rutter's Gloria is Randol Bass' Gloria: a beautifully crafted, fresh and pithy piece, whose lively and infectious rhythms, soaring tunes, and luscious orchestration have immediate appeal. Linking the vivid present to the precious ancient past, Glorious Light opens with a rousing contemporary arrangement for brass, percussion, and chorus of the medieval Personent Hodie. Next, Gabrieli's resplendent antiphonal brass in a piece written for St Marks Cathedral, Venice in 1597. By way of contrast, Arthur Frackenpohl's saucy, modern Christmas Jazz Suite follows.
For Hanukah, a rousing rendition of Maoz Tsur (Rock of Ages), and then a poignant plea for peace in Ose Shalom. George Frideric Handel enters with the triumphal See the Conqu'ring Hero. The audience is invited to join in singing familiar carols including the beloved Joy to the World and the Hallelujah Chorus.
There will be a pre-concert informational talk 30 minutes before each performance.
Tickets are $25/preferred, $22/general, $20/senior, $15/students/groups.
Advance booking is recommended. Book tickets and get driving directions online at or mail check to Viva la Musica, P.O. Box 4041, Foster City CA 94404. Ticket orders received up to one week prior to concerts will be mailed to patrons. After that ticket orders will be held at will call.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 7, 2011