Join us for a life-changing weekend workshop to experience the power of your global connectivity, then use that power to envision your life work and create a realistic plan to move from vision to reality.
If you care about the planet, if you seek a new career path, if you are ready to move to the next level in your life, if you feel destined to do something greater than you have ever done before, if you are done playing small, this weekend is for you!
The facilitator is Judah Freed, a personal empowerment coach and the author of GLOBAL SENSE: Awakening Your Power to Change Our World.Common Sense by Thomas Paine to renew hope in these times that try our souls.
The workshop runs from 10 AM to 4 PM (with lunch break) on Saturday and Sunday, September 29-30, 2008.
For more information and regististration go to
You can call call toll-free at 888-887-1776.
Event submitted by on behalf of judahfreed.
Added by JudahFreed on August 15, 2007