Global Sense author Judah Freed sets public reading on Jan. 10 anniversary of Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Evening event features Thomas Paine re-enactor and peace activist Steve Gulick.
PHILADELPHIA - Celebrating the January 10, 1776, anniversary for the first publication in Philadelphia of the classic Common Sense by Thomas Paine, Big Jar Books at 55 North Second Street in the Old City welcomes Judah Freed, author of Global Sense, the award-winning update of Common Sense. Joining him for the evening reading and book signing will be Thomas Paine re-enactor Steve Gulick, a peace activist and freelance actor allied with Once Upon A Nation.
Published in 2006 by Media Visions Press Ltd, Global Sense by Judah Freed is subtitled, "Awakening Your Personal Power for Democracy and World Peace." The book features a foreword by Air America radio host and bestselling author Thom Hartmann along with an afterword by Dr. Vandana Shiva of India. (ISBN 0972890556 cloth; 0972890521 paper)
Closely following the logic and structure of Paine's masterpiece, Freed unites progressive and libertarian ideas to show how "our natural global connectivity empowers each of us to change the world by changing our own daily choices."
Where Paine challenged monarchy and hereditary succession, Freed challenges "alpha male rule" and "authority addiction," instead advocating what he calls "mindful self rule" and "personal democracy." His rare blending of personal growth and politics earned an Evvy Award from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association.
Judah Freed is an international media and politics journalist based in Denver, Colorado. He's a member of the Nevei Kodesh Jewish Renewal Community of Boulder.
For information about the 7:30 event on January 10, please call Big Jar Books, 55 North Second Street in the Old City of Philadelphia at 215 574 1650, or visit
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Added by JudahFreed on January 3, 2007