On November 7, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz culminates his five decades of ground-breaking work translating the Talmud to make it accessible to everyone. The Global Day of Jewish Learning honors that achievement by bringing together Jewish communities around the world in a historic, unifying celebration. Join us for this special celebration of learning!
Rabbi Steinsaltz's mission is based on the conviction that the foundational texts of our heritage belong to us all. It is upon this pillar that the Global Day of Jewish learning stands. The day reminds us that while we may be dispersed across the globe, we are bound together through our sacred sources and values. While we are celebrating the momentous achievement of Rabbi Steinsaltz, we are also celebrating the text that unites all Jews.
* Join together with Jewish learners of all kinds - from your neighborhood and from all over the world
* Experience traditional chevruta-style partner learning, made accessible and relevant for all levels
* Watch the completion ceremony of Rabbi Steinsaltz's Talmud translation project, live from Jerusalem
* Learn about local Jewish learning opportunities
* Nosh on celebratory snacks
* All for FREE!
Presented in partnership with Congregation Kol Emeth, Congregation Beth Am, Jewish Study Network, and Bureau of Jewish Education.
Official Website: http://www.paloaltojcc.org
Added by FullCalendar on October 19, 2010