275 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, California 94025

Strategic alliances and collaborations are increasingly the key to business success for companies ranging from start-ups to multinationals. This session will explore the business rationales and dynamics underlying alliances and collaborations across borders, highlight the structures available to build those relationships and offer nuts and bolts advice on legal, tax and accounting issues.

Identifying the best alliance structure
Protecting and commercializing IP
Risk allocation and management
Key international pitfalls (including China and EU)
Joint development
Managing legal risk across borders
Cross-border licensing
Joint development of R&D
Merger & acquisition scenarios

Harry Rubin, National Co-Chair, IP Transactions Group, Heller Ehrman LLP
Annamaria Rappako, Partner, International Tax Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Continental Breakfast provided.

Registration Fee: $35 VC Task Force members, $45 Affiliates, $65 General.

Website: http://www.VCTaskForce.com
Email: jr@vctaskforce.com
Phone: 650-968-1304

Official Website: http://www.vctaskforce.com/content/view/280/

Added by FullCalendar on September 5, 2006

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