Glenn Greenwald, author of the incredibly hot blog "Unclaimed Territory", is coming to Boston Drinking Liberally! This is your chance to chat with him about his new book, "How Would a Patriot Act?"
WHEN: Tuesday, June 20, 6 pm
WHERE: Middlesex, 315 Massachusetts Ave.
WHAT: Chat with Glenn Greenwald about his amazing new book, "How Would a Patriot Act?"
Greenwald's book is a fascinating description of the way George Bush and his conservative cronies are abusing the Constitution, and what we can do about it. With 50,000 sales on the first day, "How Would a Patriot Act?" became a bestseller instantly. It's a welcome antidote to the steady diet of right-wing propaganda that conservative media has been peddling for years.
You can buy How Would a Patriot Act at the Harvard Bookstore (1256 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge) or from Powell's online at
For more info on "How Would a Patriot Act":
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Added by ssachs on June 19, 2006