40–42 Woodlands Road
Glasgow, Scotland G3 6UR

Here's the first meet of the group..
Friday 18th January 8pm Beanscene Woodlands road

Night shot of the Charing Cross Mansions.
Light trails from the traffic from the walkover.
Mitchell Library lite up at night

If we meet in Beanscene for intro and coffee .. as you never know what the weathers going to do .. then we can walk around the Charing cross area ...

feel free to invite one of your contacts

Who's up for a wander.. :-))

i like light trails .. you never know what your going to get and the Mitchell Library is amazing...

Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/657686@N22/

Added by Smiley Stew on January 7, 2008



wow that's cool... and easy...... (i don't mean the meet up) I mean the fact you can just pop over to this sight too and it's got the maps and address and everything...

I'll be there....

Smiley Stew

I had to add the Beanscene - it wasn't here already, but yeah, nice and easy!


OK - I seem to have joined this site and confirmed. I just hope I can get there. If I've a problem I'll let you know in advance.



Sorry no can do. I've take my daughter to her dancing classes on Friday nights.


will try and come. fri evening is tough with a young family. updates later.

bettyboop ek

Hopefully I will be there I'm working till 19:30 so I will be at the Beanscene
a little after 20:00. I like this site :0)


I'm hoping to finish work early, don't normally finish till 9pm. Work nearby so shall be there as soon as.. only 6 days to go..

can you believe flickr's having a massage .. wwell i guess she deserves it... :-)))


Hmmmm, maybe.... probably.... sure

nicolas valentin

maybe a first for me !!would rather do country side , but never know !!why not !!nicolas valentin


I'd like to come. I took a cool shot of the St Georges Mansion last year without a tripod. I've got one this year so would like to try again and best the shot.

Smiley Stew

Excellent! Welcome to all you new faces... for those of you who haven't joined the Glasgow Flickr Meetup Group, please head on over there... not just now though, cos Flickr is having a massage - again!

Here is a direct link to the group on Flickr.

Smiley Stew

I can't go now. Damn.



so far get that your pool picutes are of cocoa and mid evil churches....

once hooked up with lass from rutherglen...got any pix of that region?


welcome to my our website www.huzirainbow.com

smooth guru

Like to be there but i wont make it, maybe sometime in the future, bit skint and off work ,and new to photography,take a peek at my pics comments please .not an expensive camera either An olympus c-765 zoom.


hey paltri..

could you please add yourself to the Glasgow Flickr Meetup Group... cheers...


hope it goes well and don't forget to put your pics in the Scottish MeetUps pool