Give Some Get Some, the League of Young & Youngish Voters' monthly cocktail hour(s), is at Carabar this month: 115 Parsons Ave., Columbus, OH 43215.
What is Give Some Get Some?
GIVE: Your time. Your pennies (or dollars). Your know-how. Your influence with your friends. Other stuff...
GET: A greener Columbus. An end to the Iraq war. A passionately voting populace. Progressive elected officials...
Pretty good deal, eh?
The Monday night Give Some Get Some is when we get together for a freeform cocktail hour (not a structured meeting). The only agenda is to meet each other and collect resources - see ideas, below. In between the monthlies, people who want to get more involved make use of those resources by creating voter guides, getting out the vote, talking directly with candidates and elected officials about green city issues, the Iraq war, health care, etc.
Stuff the League needs:
*Money. Throw in a nickel. Seriously, it's ok. It all adds up.
*Photocopying. Write "I can make 50 copies when the time comes" on a piece of paper and put it in the money jar
*Time commitments. Write down when and how much time you can give.
*Pledges to get X number of friends to vote (you set your own goal)
*commitments to make X number of calls to an elected official
*Bands who will play for free for future League events. Again, write it on a slip of paper and stick it in the jar.
*Other stuff. Be creative. Everyone has something to give. Got an idea? post it in the comments on our myspace page at
If you've always wanted to get involved with the League of Young & Youngish Voters/League of Pissed Off Voters, this is a great time to do it.
Check out the League at:
and national league is at:
Event submitted by on behalf of lorraine_bieber.
Added by Lorraine_Bieber on March 29, 2007