Entrepreneurs face a plethora of legal questions about their business ventures that can be overwhelming for even experienced entrepreneurs. Retaining the right counsel and building a partnership with the right law firm can make all of the difference in effectively launching and successfully growing your business. With this panel, GIT will address the most important issues confronting emerging companies, from the perspective of experienced attorneys and entrepreneurs that hire and rely on them.
The panel will include attorneys from Orrick with expertise in the areas of corporate/finance, intellectual property and employment, and entrepreneurs with experience in various stages of growing a company. Through dialogue and stories from the panelists, learn about the typical legal issues faced by entrepreneurs and how to avoid those pitfalls. Join us and come find out how to identify the right counsel for your venture, how best and most-effectively (and cost-efficiently) work with your lawyers, how to use your law firm for more than just legal services and many more essentials on building a great company with the help of your law firm.
Added by rashmisinha on October 10, 2009
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özel ders