407 E Saratoga St
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 11, 2008



Tickets just went on sale - snag them before they're gone!


this event should be free for students! or at least non-business students...$60 is a lot of money for a poor student :(


We would love to be able to offer free tickets to students, but unfortunately the conference is not free to put on. We hope you'll join us and we believe you'll get more than your money's worth - in networking, in experiences, and not to mention, in food and drink. :)


I had a lot of friends who went to the event last year and couldn't believe how amazing it was. They've all bought tickets to go already and so did I. Definitely worth it to network and learn about some cool stuff.


A second keynote has been announced: Rusty Rueff, CEO of SNOCAP!


the main post is over here: http://upcoming.org/event/83339/


Thanks! My upcoming search several ways turned up nothing, which seemed impossible.


I just got home from this, even though everyone is still wrapping up there. I thought it was okay, but not great. I am a big fan of the barcamp style conferences. Yahoo was all over this, but I only saw one guy from Google.

It seemed good if you were into Mobile apps though, but thats kinda boring to me. I might go next year, depends on who is speaking.