Never has there been a more complete and diverse book of advice than Melissa Kirsch’s, THE GIRL’S GUIDE TO ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. This practical and hilarious survival guide helps the modern girl navigate through life, offering advice on everything from cell phone etiquette, 401K’s, and the importance of the hand-written thank you note to the great carbohydrate debate, buying a car, choosing the right bra, and when to break-up with a friend. Local funny girl and Seattle Weekly columnist, Maggie Dutton will conduct an onstage interview with Melissa Kirsch.
Melissa Kirsch was formerly a senior producer at Oxygen Media where she wrote the “Ask Princess” column. She writes for various national magazines, including Nerve, Ladies’ Home Journal, and National Geographic Traveler, and is a recipient of numerous writing awards and fellowships.
6 PM at W Seattle - Studio 7 on the Third Floor (1112 Fourth Avenue, Seattle, WA)
$15 per person (includes yummy snacks and a no-host bar)
For reservations or for more information, please call Kim Ricketts/Book Events at 206.632.2419
Official Website:
Added by bookevents on March 1, 2007