What do girls really talk about? There are so many things that they discuss, and too oftenthey believe, even when what they hearis not the truth. Wouldn't you like to learn how to help your daughter navigate through the pre-teen years, with less scars and wounds than you did? Would you like for her to learn how to stand up for herself, without diminishing her character? What if I told you that she could learn what she was purposed to do on this earth during this conference? Have you ever been to a conference where the speakers bring the information alive for the young people, and they GET IT?
These are just a few of the things that the girls will learn when they attend the GirlTalk Conference. The Kick-Off conference which happened on January 31, 2009sold out, and was so awesome. We received and continue to receive so many reports about the changes that are occuring with the young ladies that attended.
At the conference the girls learned how to deal with shameful events, putting them behind them and being able to honestly deal with whatever happened but most importantly, talking to theirmom about stuff, so they don't have to deal with it alone. During the conference the girls was supported by professional counselors, who were ready should the information cause them to really dig deep and the parents was able to have their own GIRLTALK.
So what's new in MARCH? We have added a special section for girls between the ages of 18-21 years oldentitled: My Money, My Mind, and My Men. It will be powerfully truthful, and will help young ladies make informed decisions about their life.
What is great and differentabout this conference is that we ask that a female, whether it is the girls mother, aunt, sister, cousin or mentor, attend the conference with them, so that they will learn how to specifically support the girl in their life. This has proven to be invaluable.
Please join us on March 28, 2009. You must register early, as the registration will either shut down, when there is 500 attendees or March 23rd at 8pm, whichever comes first.
So, who should attend:
Girls who don't think that they should come?
Parents who are fed up with the daughter that talks back
Girls whose grades are slipping and she really doesn't know why
Parents who feel like they have done all they could do to help their daughter
Girls ages 8-21 years old
Girls who allow others to control their actions and thoughts
Girls who cut on themselves, or think that they don't want to live anymore
Parents who are single head of household and need help
Parents who think that they know all there is to know about their child
Organized by Inspiring You Ministries, Inc.Inspiring You Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit designed to teach and train organizations that desire to mobilize individuals, communities and the world at large to use their God given talents and power to influence, impact and change the world they live in.
Ticket Info: - Participant Registration, $20.00
- Parent Registration, $20.00
- Sponsor A Girl, Free
Official Website: http://girltalkconferencemarch28-upcoming.eventbrite.com