1001 E. Pike
Seattle, Washington 98122

Going Green has never been so stylish! No really. We'll be exploring the intersection of sustainability and style while grooving to Seattle's first green DJ, getting tips on how to live a Greener life, enjoying a "live" trunk show w/sustainable fashion from The Finerie, Kimmi Clothes and FashionEthic.com w/ hair & makeup by Aveda, sampling Dry Soda, trying organic cocktails, wine and food, Listening to special guests discuss sustainable living, Learning how to calculate your carbon footprint, Getting henna tattoos, Watching highlights from Seattle's first Green Fashion Week, Getting swag bags full of sustainable goodies (first 50 girls), Winning Sustainable, Green and/or Organic Door Prizes, Partying with a purpose at The Sole Repair Shop, a sustainable event space and SO MUCH MORE!

Join us for this special Green installment of Girl Power Hour where we'll be encouraging you to Bike, Walk, Carpool or ride the bus to this event. Being conscious about our choices is the first step to living a greener life! Join the movement!

Plan your bus route with King County Metro: transit.metrokc.gov

$10 at the door // RSVP Req'd

Official Website: http://www.girlpowerhour.com

Added by girlabouttowon on April 1, 2008

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