1 St Marys Row, Moseley
Birmingham, England B13 8HW

A special event for all ginger-haired people, as part of this year's Moseley Festival.

Plans for the night:
- Ginger 'beauty' pageant - get up and share what ginger means to you. The best story will get voted for and be ginger king or queen for the night!
- Ginger heroes and zeroes - vote the best and the worst of the fair-haired fraternity
- Ginger quiz - form a team on the night with your fellow gingers
- Ginger food and drink, supplied by our generous hosts
- Bring your photos to pin to the ginger wall

Non-gingers are welcome to attend as long as they don a ginger wig.

Contact Rob on roberto_benson@yahoo.co.uk for more ginger-ness. And please tell your ginger friends.

Ginger links
- David Rann's ginger pics
- Gingers for Justice on Facebook

Added by Moseley Festival on March 30, 2009