12419 N 28th Dr
Phoenix, Arizona 85029

Come on down to our ever-growing large sale event that takes place at the Brass Armadillo parkinglot. This is event is nearly sold out on spaces with lots and lots of great items for sale at bargain prices! The Brass Armadillo has over 500 vendors with lots of one-of-kind items inside the mall. We will also be serving up our famous barbeque hot dogs, hamburgers and beer brauts fresh off the grill! Call us for more information at:


12419 N 28th Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85029

Open 9 to 9, 7 days a week!!

Official Website: http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/for/2620608284.html

Added by The Brass Armadillo Antique Mall on October 2, 2011