400 Somerville Ave
Somerville, Massachusetts

Learn Somervillian history in a fun and Halloween-related way! This delightful play features characters interred in Milk Row Cemetery, including Harriet Thorp and Osgood and Emiline Dane. Dress warmly and in costume, if you like. Hot cider and goodies for all!
Meet at Milk Row Cemetery, 400 Somerville Ave., next to Market Basket.
$5 for adults, $3 for seniors and youth.
Contact SHPC at 617-625-6600, x2525 or bwilson@ci.somerville.ma.us

Official Website: http://www.somervilleartscouncil.org/programs/artsunion/events_producers07.htm

Added by Erik Mallinson on July 18, 2007